Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Anaylsing text

Visual Literacy

The Uncle Sam Range (1876)
Schumacher & Ettlinger, New York

East African Transport Old Style
East African Transport New Style
From the Colonial Progress Bring Home Prosperity series of posters displayed 1930- 1931 Waterlow and Sons Ltd

We were asked to compare and contrast these two images under the themes of Society, Culture, Technology, Politics and History and answering questions on font, style of illustration, meaning, target audience and historical context relevant to production of the image.

We began by discussing the use of very traditional typography on the 'The Uncle Sam Range' that reflected an old american posted and talked about the very patriotic and imposing feel to the typography and also the variations of typography throughout the image wether it being on the clock or on the scroll both are very calligraphy based.

 Then comparing it to the 'East african Transport Old' and 'New Style' we felt that the typography used had a much more modern feel to it and the use of San Serif lettering showed much more clear and readable feel to it.

The different types of the letting we felt showed the printing technology of the time the first being very traditional and possibly hand drawn or a wood cut and the second being made with a lithograph print or letter press.

We then went onto discussing the actual meaning of the images and there social and political purpose 'The Uncle Sam Range 'image showing a well dressed white man in the colours of the american flag talking to a large human globe ready to eat a large meal prepared by a black servant or slave. The image states 'feeding the world with the aid of The Uncle Sam Range' celebrating a hundred years of the Decollation Of Independence from 1776 to 1876 and the apparent support of food throughout the world from America. We felt the image's target audience was wealthy white Americans shown by the exaggeration on use of the American Flag.

With 'The Uncle Sam Range' we discussed the difference between the two images one portraying a group of black women and children carrying large sticks, animals and pots dressed in traditional African clothing walking through the african safari. The 'New Style image showing a group of black men paddling a boat on the river, sitting in a truck and carrying boxes all dressed in more typically western clothing. There is a tall well dressed white man standing above everyone else over seeing what is happening and trying to convoy and dominance and feel of power of the black people. The image is again trying to show a good image England in Africa and trying to show how they feel they have improved on the country by giving them cars bridges and roads.

We felt both images were really trying to show what good things they do for the world and trying to cover up any kind of wrong doing on there part. Both images have a propaganda feel to them and are trying to show there aid in other countries.

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