Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Analysing Written Text

The Design of Dissent.
Glaser, M and Ilic, M. 2005

'It is shocking, it is clever- even funny in a grim 
sort of way' 

The written is trying to show how mainly in propaganda and political illustrations there a focus on creating a shock and something not commonly seen. 

'It seems to be, samizsdat, dangerous, forbidden.' 

Again the emphasis on creating a out there and never seen before design. The tone is fairly informal and the language is quite simplistic compared to other texts.

'a violent, unjust, criminal order is overdue for abolishment.'

Speaking about how usually the social unjust effects so many people they start to question the people who are in control. The tone of voice is very to the point and fast paced. 

'a cry of rebellion carrying everywhere at once, a cry all the more powerful for being entirely silent'.

Talks of the way that when something is overcome as a community it is usually done at the same time the feeling of wrong doing and justice is felt by everyone.

'It is even more of a miracle that the act of forcing the impossible is, in the history of political revolution, often catalyzed by something as flimsy as a poster plastered on a well'.

I think this is a really important point the idea that something so easy to create and simple as a poster can have such an influence on the world. It really speaks of the power of the image and how it can change everything. 

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