Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Design of Dissent

From the quotes from 'The Design of Dissent' by Glaser, M and Ilic the text is quite informal and to the point using fairly simple wording to try and get to the ideas across quickly and effectively. The writer speaks of the importance of political propaganda in the terms of providing a voice for the common man. This is evident from the quote 'It is even more of a miracle that the act of forcing the impossible is, in the history of political revolution, often catalysed by something as flimsy as a poster plastered on a well'. Speaking about the fact a poster is universal language and can be created by anyone, The writer is trying to show how within art that acts against the system there are not conventions of race, gender or social class. The writer discusses the power of the image and how something so simple can really begin to create a change whether it is in politics or social conventions. 

The writer is trying to convay the idea of the image and to what extent it can be exploited for social and political justice and that the best cases of propaganda uses the theme of creating something shocking and not commonly seen, The writes speaks about the fact when creating artwork with the intention of sparking change it is essential to created something shocking and eye catching as this is the greatest way of getting a point across and shocking the viewer into submission. This is depicted from the quote 'It is shocking, it is clever- even funny in a grim sort of way'. This idea is a constant theme running through the piece of work the writer speaks again of the idea that something not commonly seen will give the best results. The quote 'Its seems to be, samizsdat, dangerous, forbidden' talking again about the principle of the shock of the new and how this can be used powerfully by the artist or designer. 

The writer also speaks of about the importance of the producer and their roll as an informer to the people and how they seem to have a social obligation to create something to act against a common problem within society. He writes about the power of the community in this quote 'a cry of rebellion carrying everywhere at once, a cry all the more powerful for being entirely silent' the fact that when a community speaks out against a issue together there is much more of a impact rather than a single voice. Overall this chapter in the book 'The Design of Dissent' speaks of the importance of propaganda or posters supporting change as this kind of information speaks to the people rather than the politicians and creates common feeling of revolt against injustices in society.

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