Monday, November 14, 2016

OUGD501 - Study task 05 - Studei brief 02 Research

Research for practical work.

Task 1: Contextual Research.

- Louis Sullivan - Form Follows Function. - Modernist fundamentals

- The Bauhaus - Walter Gropius - German Architect founder of the Bauhaus. - 

"The ultimate aim of all artistic activity is building! ... Architects, sculptors, painters, we must all get back to craft! ... The artist is a heightened manifestation of the craftsman. ... Let us form ... a new guild of craftsmen without the class divisions that set out to raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and artists! ... Let us together create the new building of the future which will be all in one: architecture and sculpture and painting." - Walter Gropius 1919

Joseph Albers

Lazio Moholy-Nagy 

Mies Van De Rohe - Less is more, God is in the details

Piet Mondrian -  De Stijl 

Theo Van Doesburg - De Stijl

Gerrit Reitvield - Furniture design

Reitvield Schroder - De Stijl House

Le Corbusier - Modernist Architect - Social Planning

Massimo Vignelli - The Vignelli Canon

Total Design - Wim Crouwell, Ben Bos, Benno Wissing, Paul Schwarz, Dick Schwarz - Dutch Modernism - New Typography

Experimental Jetset - Statement & Counter Statement - Contempary Modernism 

Task 2. Target Audience Research

Geographic - Western World, Europe and North America 

Demographic - Designers, Architects, Creatives, how this relates to the outside world.

High to medium income design solutions. Branding companies, Buildings. Conscious design world. 

Psychographic - design theory, design strategies, socialist, modernist, postmodernist, design for the future. Shaping the world through design. 

Persona 1. 

British male designer, working for an architects firm, design conscious, design educated. Interests in typography, art, architecture, design and the creative industry. Medium to high-level income. Socialist. Politically aware. Knowledge of architecture and design.

Persona 2. Dutch Female Creative. Working for a design studio, design conscious, Interests in typography, art, architecture, design and the creative industry. Loves modernist architecture and ideas, Interested in design driven architecture. Knowledge of Total Design Studio. 

Persona 3. Design Student. Tentative knowledge of design, eager to learn about design ideas, Interests in typography, art, architecture, design and the creative industry. 

Task 3. 

Reitveild Schroder House.1924

TP 1 radio/phono combination, 1959, by Dieter Rams for Braun

Wim Crouwell, Stedelijk Musuem Poster

The Farnsworth House was designed and constructed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe between 1945 and 1951.

kiosk design by herbert bayer 1924 

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