Saturday, April 22, 2017

OUGD501 - Evaluation

During this module I have been more relaxed about allowing for the project to change, from the beginning when selecting an essay question to begin researching I originally wanted to look at the influences and links of architecture within graphic design. It was not until further reading and research that I realised that this question would be too broad and difficult to answer. Natural progression within projects is a process that I am still learning, but I have learnt to embrace this change. My essay question moved more and more towards modernism and looking at the earliest advancements in the work of the Bauhaus and De Stijl. Through further reading and research, I feel my understanding of the topic and what defines modernism has greatly improved. In terms of writing I have always found this to be a weak point in my work but in second year I have tried to push this, becoming aware of multiple theorists, finding less obvious sources and try to push my writing to be more interesting and critically aware. I don’t feel totally satisfied with this area but making sure I began my essay early and stayed on top of deadlines made this process much more straightforward.

In terms of the practical side of this project, being honest I found it a little hard to get started, but once I had, I have found it to be really enjoyable and overall I am pleased with what I have produced. Looking into modernism and the work associated with the movement has been really useful, this is work that I feel I know really well and love so it set a great basis for the project. On top of this the work of modernism is so visual and dynamic this allowed my practical to share such dynamism. In terms of the effectiveness of my practical work, through my small questionnaire I found that it seemed to be interesting and visually appealing, the direct nature of the communication was an area that seemed to go down well, as well as the clear links shown between the various pieces of art, architecture and furniture, this was really positive to see. I would agree with the comments that the booklets could have done with more explanation, if I was to do something different next time that would be changed. I would say that the practical work was a little safe and I could have explored some more innovative approaches but one thing that I am really pleased with is synthesis between the practical work and the essay, the inclusion of quotes taken from my essay only added to the communication showing how they tied together well. Feedback has been an on-going process that has really governed my decisions and I feel increasingly aware of the importance of gaining feedback and above all documenting this.

Overall this module has been a great learning curve and my confidence in writing has improved. In terms of my general question and argument it does feel slightly dated and for my COP 3 I would like to explore some more contemporary themes, and again improve from the previous years work as this is progression is really important to me and my practice.

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