Friday, April 21, 2017

OUGD501 - Interpretation of feedback.

To test the reception and effectiveness of the outcomes using a small questionnaire gathered extremely useful feedback from peers. As they are all, design contentious, have a knowledge of modernism, and are engaged and interested in the subject.

How effectively does the work communicate the links within modernist design and geometry?
- They explained, it is clear to see the links between the various art forms (art, architecture, furniture design) showing a good range of examples. As well as the use of grids further outlining this connection with modernism. However one piece of feedback said that a further explanation was need in the booklet as it leaves the reader to interpret the concept themselves.

Do you think the poster or the booklet is more effective in this communication?
They explained the poster was effective in showing an overview of the concept in a fast and impactful way and in contrast the booklet highlights the further details. They explained the use of quotes was really useful in understanding the links between geometry and modernism and before reading this it was a little unclear. One explained that as a set they are most effective but the posters size would effect distribution.

Out of the range of three booklets which colour is most effective/appropriate? - One explained that the yellow worked due to the consistency with the poster and that the contrast of black on yellow was the most legible, however in contrast to this others thought that the blue and red was more effective as it was different to the poster. A few people felt it was the fact they were in a set that made it more interesting. 

What could improve the two practical pieces? - In terms of improvements more of an explanation was highlighted, as well as the possible inclusion of another modernist typeface, another suggestion was looking at online content and its effects on distribution. Furthermore there were suggestions of experimenting further with the size and scale of the booklet, a circle, triangle and square booklet was suggested. 

Does the design reflect an understanding of geometry in modernism? - As explained the use of shape and line and type acts visual communicators of the subject. As well as a clear use of grids. 

Where would you see the booklets and poster distributed? - Mainly the suggestions included museums, galleries, at the Bauhaus archive. Additionally some one suggested in design studios that have connections with modernism in their practice. 

Overall this feedback has shown the project to be effective and relevant, the main improvement could be the inclusion of more of an explanation of modernism and geometry in both the poster and the booklets. 

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