Sunday, April 9, 2017

OUGD501 - Feedback on ideas.

After creating some initial sketches for poster ideas it seemed appropriate to seek some feedback on the project so far. Asking a peer to read my essay and consider the practical work alongside this. - They explained that if the poster visually informs the viewer about the ideas of geometry within modernism it is a success and would clearly link the practical work to the essay. 
In relation to the target audience of this work they explained that a poster would visually tie into the work of the Bauhaus and the De Stijl and the posters of Theo van Doesnburg and Herbert Bayer. 

They also suggested including quotes on the posters about the ideas of unification, geometry and universality within modernism. 

Moving forward taking all the research and information gathered within the project so far to try and create a really visual interesting and typically 'modernist' poster without the designs being too plain or over simplistic. 

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