Wednesday, April 20, 2016



On the AdBusters Website they describe themselves as 'Adbusters is a not-for-profit magazine fighting back against the hostile takeover of our psychological, physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.'dealing with issues on political problems, social conventions and how to act against this AdBusters seems a interesting form of research for my practical project. The way in which this magazine is designed and communication is expressed is of a similar style to which I want my publication to look, the dynamic typography and bold imagery showcases the best of politically and socially driven work.

The use of black and white is a frequent theme used in these designs to insure they are eye catching and engaging, the type size is reasonably large for a magazine of this size and again adds to this directness of communication.

Graphic imagery is another theme used throughout this magazines design. These two pages both use a striking image to the right in black and white and the use of large typography alongside this. This imagery means the designs are iconic and impacting. I love the use of the large hand painted type writing the words 'EVIL' large.


 The use of very simplistic pages put all the emphasis on the information, this is something I could look to do in my own work if the images or text need to be explicitly highlighted.

This technique is seen throughout the designs, additionally the rotation of body copy is a design feature that breaks up the publication, and adds a more laid back theme in the designs. For issues that are fairly controversial this is a design feature that maybe effective.

This use of large dynamic type is used here again, the typeface TIMMONS NY designed by Matt Willey is used he, this type really expresses the information directly and reflects American culture.

This article on the presidential election has alighted Donald Trump with an image of a swastika, but has been designed in a way that makes it a little more light hearted and not as serious as it could have been displayed. This use of connecting imagery is technique that can be used to suggest things that are some what controversial is another design feature I could look to use in my work.

This image shows best the almost printed digital style that has been used in the design , using pixels images and type gives the designs a connection with an online format. As the website is the main part of Adbusters work this connects the magazine with the online designs.

In terms of engaging design responding to social and political issues Adbusters offers a excellent examples of what can be done to best express this theme.

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