Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Protest: Latin American Photobooks at Tate Modern

 Also on display at the Tate modern were these Poltical protest photobooks from Argentina, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Chile, taken form the collection fo the photographer Marin Parr these books showcase amazing use of imagry and typography displaying these social and poltical issues. The choice of colour and strong images throughout the designs make the books really iconic and stand out. This idea of displaying the images in a way that highlights the beauty of the design is extremely intriging and may be something I look to do in my own magazine.

 These images show this bold and direct use of typography that make these design so iconic, the use of red, black and blue is seen throughout these designs adds to this eye catching theme. The design seem to really bring out the issues and show the importance of these books.

 The information talks about these books being easy to print and essemble then in turn becoming the most soficiant way of communicating the issues in hand. This is reminicent of the Black white and Grey books of Ai Wei Wei in my previous research. 

These images again show this direct communication and use of intense imagery. Mainly seen in black and white the photos depict revolution and aprestion.
 As these books are all photographic journals this is a medium of protest art and design I have not touched on and inclution in my magazine would be a engaging change. I love the stong uses of red and black to highlight as best as possible the issues of revolution in Latin America. Overall these designs have shown me alot in how to make my own magazine eye catching using just images and type.

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