Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Political imagery re-examined

Steven Heller, design writer, New York
First published in Eye no. 58 vol. 15, 2005

This articale on the re-examining poltical art from this catalogue of 120 posters from the US brought together in an exhibition held at  Stanford University and the Wolfsonian MuseumFlorida Int at  Florida International University. Explaining the catalogue intended to be 'a ‘macrohistory’ of the political poster, focusing on how mass movements played decisive roles in effecting social change' the writers speaks of having a decisive infuence in social change. The writing goes on to speak about a social need to response at time to social and poltical upheaval stating ' Graphics have long played a role in both stirring the populace and keeping them in line.' this being through the depiction of the truth 'Forging a potentially unruly mass into an obedient entity using covert and overt graphic depictions – either through deception or truth – is a key challenge for any propagandist and not unique to dictatorships.' This anaysis of what defines poltical art and design and how it pushes the conventions of what we understand. Thinking about this interms of my own practical responce could a online based magazine be as infuential as the poster at this time. As information is communicated to the general public almost excusivly in an online format a online magazine could be seen as appropraite but I must concider the format this is shown in. Whether its on a page turner website, as a online PDF or as part of some kind of social media post. These are all considerations that will be key in making my practical piece accessable, which is for me a key principle of my work. 

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