Friday, April 22, 2016

Cover ideas

For my political art magazine I knew I needed to chose a cover that was very impacting and eye catching, experimenting with a range of images allowed me to pick the most appropriate cover for the context and the content of the magazine.

Using images from the magazine I used the Fraternal kiss image from the Berlin wall, the large painting Guernica by Picasso, the 'Together we can beat AIDs mural by Keith Haring and the image of Trump burning and JR's Face to Face project. The Keith Haring piece of work was interesting but related to a more social issue rather than political. The Guernica image by Picasso in its nature is very eye catching, but reflected to much a very fine art theme and wouldn't work with the rest of the magazine. This image has also been used many times on the cover of art book on politics. After speaking with my tutors and class mates on which cover they felt was most impacting and reflected best the content the general census was that the Fraternal Kiss image by Dmitri Vrubel was the most eye catching and would really invite the reader to find out more. 

Comparing the different compositions of the cover the forth image shown in this series was highlighted as the most appropriate. The image works with the size of type and both work in conjunction and aren't over bearing. The use of Timmons NY typeface again is very direct and makes the magazine stand out. 

Experimenting with as large range of covers for me was very important as the cover needed to stand out and feel very direct and different. 

As I am pleased now with the cover image I can move on to refining the inside pages of the magazine.

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