Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Impact of work

Thinking about my practical work within this project analysing firstly, How my practical work can be read, What can I do to insure it makes an impact, Is there anything I can do to make it more accessible to everyone and what is the best way to communicate the power of political art? Considering these questions will inform my design decisions and in turn create a more engaging and appropriate practical piece in response to my essay question.

Thinking about how my practical work can be read I have been discussing perviously about putting my designs on to some kind of online space, this would widen the audience and as Ai Wei Wei says, the internet is the greatest art form of the twenty first century. This will then make my designs more accessible to everyone and communicate the power of political art to a younger audience as this is were they see the most part of information.

To insure the designs make an impact and best represent the theme of iconic political art in response to social and political upheaval I want to use very graphic, large type alongside some strong images, this will make the design hopefully stand out and be eye catching, I think the cover image within this is very important as this is what needs to draw the reader in most. In this project I think creating an online magazine is an area of graphics I have always wanted to experiment with and could be the best solution to this project. 

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